#Conservative News

Biden’s Team Caught RED-HANDED!

The Liberal mainstream media’s romance with President Joe Biden continues to sour as the president’s campaign finds itself in the middle of another scandal. 

This week, it was revealed that the Biden campaign had made a controversial move, asking a Milwaukee radio station to edit its interview with the president. The request was to cut out segments that could potentially cast the president in a negative light. 

The first segment cut out involved the president saying he has more Blacks in his administration than any other president. The other segment involved the president giving several disjointed sentences in an attempt to criticize former President Donald Trump. 

“I don’t know if they even call for their hanging or not, but he–but they said […] convicted of murder,” Biden said in the second segment that was edited out of the interview.

While the radio station has vowed to release the unedited version of the interview, news like this rarely gets revealed to the public.

CNN host Jake Tapper blasted Joe Biden and the radio station before noting that he does not understand the reason for the campaign’s demand. 

“We should note, like, this is a big journalism no-no, editing out an answer because the politician and his campaign didn’t like it or … he didn’t like how he came across,” Tapper said. “I don’t know exactly the reason, maybe we’ll find out from the Biden campaign, someday.”

Alencia Johnson, a former Senior campaign staffer for Joe Biden, told Tapper that the news was not helpful to the president. She, however, noted that the campaign needs to get Biden in front of the nation now more than ever. 

Tapper and the radio station are not the first members of the mainstream media to turn on Joe Biden since his disastrous debate performance. As reported by The Red Archives, ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos was secretly recorded saying Biden can’t serve another term. 

Another radio station host recently revealed that the White House gave her a list of questions to ask when Biden appeared on her show. Andrea Lawful-Sanders, host of “The Source” on Philadelphia’s WURD, told CNN’s Victor Blackwell that the questions she asked the president were sent to her for approval. 

“Yes, and I got several questions, eight of them. And the four that were chosen were the ones that I approved,” Lawful-Sanders said.

CNN’s decision to bring Lawful-Sanders on the show signifies a significant shift from its previous position of coving for the Biden administration. 

Biden’s Team Caught RED-HANDED!

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