Senator Says Trump’s Trial Drives Black Voters To GOP

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) opened up in an interview with Breitbart News on Monday afternoon that the trial that Democrats are dragging former President Donald Trump through in New York is only driving more black voters away from Democrats.
“There’s no doubt that when you see a nearly 75 percent increase in black men wanting to support President Trump, that’s not an insignificant increase,” Scott said. “That is a gargantuan step in the right direction. Why? Because the Democrat stronghold on power is being broken by people who say, ‘This isn’t fair, and I want an America that is fair, and if they will do it to him, they will do it to me.’ So that’s what you’re seeing in the black community.”
According to Scott, the U.S. was better off regarding safety under Trump. No statistic matters to people: white people, Asians, Hispanics, women, or men. In his words, “there’s no statistic where you’re not better off under Trump than under Biden.”
The first day of Trump’s trial, which began on Monday, started with jury selection. While no jurors were selected on Monday, at least 50 prospective ones were disqualified.
Trump was in court in New York the whole day on Monday to face the beginning of the process. As a result, Scott compared the trial to the justice system targeting black men because of the color of their skin.
“The simple way of understanding what’s happening is if he were not running for president, he would not be on trial,” Scott said. “Who wants a justice system that chooses the person you go after based on whether you like them or not or based on what office they’re running for or not?”
The Senator also added that he thinks what Democrats are doing by encouraging this amounts to election engineering.
“I think of it as election engineering,” Scott said. “They’re trying to engineer the desired results by keeping President Trump off the campaign trail. Frankly, it’s an assault on American justice.”
When asked if the jury that is eventually selected will be impartial, Scott added that he does not believe Trump will get an impartial jury.
“No is the simple answer. I do not believe it,” Scott said. “Frankly, I believe Bragg- the prosecutor-is not looking for a fair trial. He’s not looking for justice. He’s not looking for Lady Justice to maintain a blindfold. They have been prejudiced this entire time in this entire process, so the one thing you cannot expect is justice to be served.”